Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | black | font | document OCR: s puber The field of therapy for central precoci ient of has been revolutionised by the develop etion of superactive GnRH agonists. Episodic se itary hypothalamic GnRH elicits pulsatile pi afusion of gonadotrophin release, but continuous the GnRH downregulates GnRH receptors increased long-acting superagonists of GnRH hav esistant to avidity for the GnRH receptors and are lally enzymatic degradation. These agents in ion, but stimulate pituitary gonadotrophin secr GnRH within days cause downregulation of th on does, receptor, just as continuous GnRH infu release and gonadotrophin and gonadal steroid decrease to the prepubertal level.